Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oatmeal With a Side of Yo Gabba Gabba!

Despite my better judgement, and the recent purchase of a ridiculously overpriced Mutsy booster seat (it's orange, how could I resist?!), I recently caved in to our little Boo's blossoming desire to enjoy mealtimes unrestrained. Having mastered the art of the spoon, I figured the mess wouldn't be so bad and besides, all the baby/toddler blogs tell me I should be encouraging such acts of independence at this age, so as to foster her development as an individual (blah blah blah....).
As you can see from the photos, the table remained remarkably clean. What you don't see, however, are the globs of oatmeal that found their way into the rug, down the hallway, onto her bedroom floor, in poor Rocky's fur, etc. etc........

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