Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hump Day

Today's "Mommy and Me" excursion with the Boo: Daddy's office!
After a morning of Wiggles (ughhhhh....) and tickles, Lila and I headed over to Turner to meet Kit for lunch. She couldn't have been more thrilled by the big, green chopper that greeted us in the main lobby (mama's little gear head!), and so we naturally seized the moment for a prime photo op.
Next stop, Antico on the West side for some "authentic Napoletana" pizza. A friend told me about this place, saying it was the only palatable pizza she'd had in all her years in Atlanta. And at $20 a pie (seriously, is this extortion?), I'm happy to say it did not disappoint--super yummers! It also appears that I've birthed a pizza snob, as I've offered to share a slice with Lila on many an occasion only to be rebuffed. Well, not this time! As soon as our pie was delivered to the table, the little monkey promptly commandeered herself a fork and staked her claim :)

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