Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Shoes

After a good 6 months in a size 4, it appears the Boo's little feet are a-growin'. With her pink high-top Chuck's now in the consignment pile, we headed out to the new Nordstrom's Rack in Buckhead on a sneaker hunt. I'd been gawking over the mini Vans online for months, but was reluctant to spend the cash on a shoe I hadn't actually tried on Lila. So, you can imagine my excitement upon discovering these little nuggets in the kids' shoe department--the exact pattern I'd been eyeing in precisely the size she needed and at nearly 1/2 the retail price! Major score. And I think Lila was almost as excited as I was--she happily sat in my lap as we slipped the beauties onto her tootsies, stood up, posed for a photo op and then busted out her new shoe dance. Freaking adorable.

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